Webi 4.0 vs 3.1 – Creating a New Web Intelligence Document

Creating a new Web Intelligence Document in Webi 4.0

Image below shows where a new document is created in Business Objects 3.1


2.2 and 2.3 - *NEW approaches to creating a new document in Business Objects 4.0.

i) Click on Applications in the Menu Bar and Select “Web Intelligence Application” regardless of which Tab is selected (2.2)

ii) From the Home Page in Launchpad, click on the Web Intelligence Application shown in (2.3)

iii) Click on the new document page (2.4). From here, you can select your target data source to create your new report.


If you're thinking about upgrading SAP BusinessObjects or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us

READ: Can you Update A Database with Webi?

READ: Business Objects Webi Reports Tutorial

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